The only person in sight, is a girl named Carey (or an old man named Sim in the PSX version), who wishes for the isle to become a bustling town once again. 4.1.5 4th Upgrade (After the Fire, Earth, Wind and Water Spirits are awoken)Īfter the events of the island of Regenstein are solved in the past, when the party visits it in the present, they find that It is now an uninhabited open field.4.1.4 3rd Upgrade (After Buccanham is saved).4.1.3 2nd Upgrade (After Alltrades Abbey is saved).4.1.2 1st Upgrade (After town has 3 resident).
4.1.1 Beginning (After Regenstein is saved).4 Nintendo 3DS Version development mechanics.3 Original PSX version development mechanics.